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The Minerva Show- Episode 3

We really love to shine the spotlight on others and showcase the many talents and voices that make up our community, but lately some of you have been asking what we do when we’re not Minerva-ing.  Today we talk about the other projects that currently make up our professional lives.

What about you?  What have you guys been up to?  Tell us about it and share links if you’ve got ’em in the comments section.

We’re going to focus on our other projects for a moment and take a brief hiatus.  We’ll be back with new content on March 1st at the latest. (We may pop in with something sooner if something arises that just can’t wait.  We’re unpredictable like that.  Subscribe for email notifications so you don’t miss anything.) In the meantime, come out and have a drink with us Sunday night at the Good Luck Bar!  Details here.

  1. Paul on Thursday 10, 2011

    I’ve been busy just preparing for any auditions that may come my way, recently cut my hair short, put up a good reel and working on vocal exercises.

  2. lynn @ the actor's diet on Thursday 10, 2011

    it’s been the deadest pilot season in years for me, but i’ve been busier than ever! launching another new blog, working on my current one, editing a short, writing a feature, and getting ready to promote a film at SXSW!!!

  3. Ellen Clifford on Thursday 10, 2011

    Hey! I am going to try to make out Sunday night, pending whether I am rehearsing with my acting class scene partner. That’s my segue into what I’ve been up to: acting classes at The Art of Acting, and an intermediate Groundlings class.
    I just did a short for the AFI, and I have the table read for an indie short by a former AFI student this weekend. I am also going to be the star of a sci-fi web series about a girl lost in space with her robot companion but that is a ways away. And I’m trying to re-learn French with the theory that if I know it, the opportunity to go to Cannes will manifest…

  4. Keith Bolden on Thursday 10, 2011

    proud of you guys for keeping this up and of your upcoming projects…keep it up.

  5. Claire on Thursday 10, 2011

    So great to hear what you’re up to Paul, Lynn & Ellen! Lynn, let me know about your film @SXSW & I’ll swing by. And I happen to know Keith’s got a show up now at EST LA that you can check out here –

    Sarah & I hope to hear more about what’s going on in your worlds on Sunday at 8pm The Good Luck Bar for Minerva Bar Night…