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Highlights and a Call for Contributors

The Brains are out hustling today, so here are some highlights from the last months of ’09. Wherever do we find this never-ending well of informed and sassy writers? We’ll give you a hint – oh hell, we’ll just tell you – they’re in our address books. And you could be too! We’re always on the lookout for intelligent and original contributors.  We had over 80,000 pages viewed in February, quite an audience for your work.  Pitch us an idea for an article you’d like to write.  Got writing chops, but not sure what to say?  We’ll happily give you some ideas that we’d love to see explored on our pages.  Email us at  We can’t wait.

Enjoy the articles!

  1. Claire on Tuesday 16, 2010

    Speaking of our fabulous contributors, Capes Coaching (Betsy Capes authored the piece on holiday party networking) has launched a new service called Artists in Action. The service helps you stay accountable and on top of your business month to month. Go to to find out more & get a free trial.